The SimSpace Blog

Launch of SkillWise at Black Hat USA

Written by Gregg Ogden | August 8, 2022 at 2:45 PM

This week at Black Hat USA in not-hot-at-all Las Vegas, Nevada, SimSpace unveiled the SkillWise training and readiness solution. Powered by the SimSpace cyber range platform, SkillWise provides realistic individual and team training environments, hands-on team experiences, advanced training content, detailed threat intelligence, and more. Essentially, it delivers everything cybersecurity leaders need to develop their teams.

The Issue

The multi-industry gap in finding cybersecurity talent (personnel to do the job) with the skills (expertise with tools and processes) needed to get the job done isn’t getting any better. This means cybersecurity leaders are searching for every tool available to help with cyber training and organizational readiness to ensure their teams are ready for the next cyber threat.

We also know that the typical cybersecurity team member is already overworked and very time-constrained, so they're wondering how they can find the time to train and advance their career while still doing their job. To address this, the SkillWise solution doesn't just focus on training faster — it’s about training more effectively.

What Makes Us Different

SkillWise provides a platform for leaders to implement tailored training programs based on quantitative analysis of their teams' needs. This level of insight into the development requirements of individuals and groups helps managers properly assess skill levels, attract new talent and build stronger teams – while also helping to improve overall job satisfaction and retention.

SkillWise provides training Circuits for task-based learning, Learning Paths for career-focused preparation, and intuitive content carousels, allowing those overworked cyber professionals to find and ingest what they need to succeed quickly. Ultimately, SkillWise reduces the friction that often hinders security leaders from building training into their individual and team development while also eliminating the hurdles that keep the average security worker from taking training in the first place.

In addition, SimSpace attack and training content builds cyber skills at all stages.

Nascent (crawl) level – Learnings for anyone new to cybersecurity who is looking to bolster their foundational knowledge.

Competent (walk) level – Provides more engaging content on specific attacks, compliance requirements, career-focused learning, etc.

Skilled (run) level – Delivers challenging team engagements – HONE your skills in a realistic environment that delivers a safe place to practice.

Key features of the new SkillWise platform include:

  • Dynamic, graduate-level, on-demand training library
  • Online content carousel
  • Task- and career-based tailored content
  • Single management dashboard to assess readiness
  • Real-time activity and progress reporting
  • Customization and automation of attack content
  • Training labs
  • Hands-on learning experiences

To learn more about how SkillWise can close the talent and skills gap, read all about it in the SkillWise datasheet.

You can also schedule a live demo or get more information on how SimSpace can help train your cybersecurity team and build confidence in your organization's ability to defend against advanced cyber attacks at